Registered contests and their results:
Krokoyama Cup 2008 - 05.04.2008
City | Koblenz |
Country | Germany |
Organizer | Karate Verband Rheinland-Pfalz |
Competitors | 856 |
Clubs on medal positions | 52 |
Countries on medal positions | 10 |
Classifications | 36-24-12-9-6-3 |
Appraisal of tournament quality:
Vote: | Total: 43x |
Order by: | |||||
Position | Category | First name | Lastname | Club/Team | |
2. | kumite male 14-15 years -63kg | Adam | Vorobeľ | Slovakia | SVK |
1. | kata male 18-20 years | Adil | Wiart | Shito school of Belgium | BEL |
3. | kumite female 16-17 years -48kg | Adriana | Hartmann | Switzerland | SUI |
1. | kumite male 14-15 years +70kg | Alex | Creemers | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years -57kg | Alexander | Schmitt | Germany | GER |
3. | kata male 12-13 years | Alexis | Davoine | Champions Club | BEL |
2. | kumite male 12-13 years -35kg | Alexis | Davoine | Champions Club | BEL |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years -55kg | Andre | Meyer | Hara Köln | GER |
3. | kata male 18-20 years | Andreas | Piel | Hessischer Fachverband Karate | GER |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years -40kg | Andreas | Lenz | Oberberg Karate Gummersbach | GER |
2. | kumite male 16-17 years -76kg | Andreas | Bitner | Hermannia 06 Kassel | GER |
1. | kumite male 16-17 years OPEN | Andreas | Bitner | Hermannia 06 Kassel | GER |
3. | kumite female 18-20 years -55kg | Aniko | Zeisler | Berliner Karate Verband | GER |
1. | kumite female 12-13 years -40kg | Anna | Miggou | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite female 16-17 years -48kg | Anna | Hezeman | Karate Do Smaal | NED |
2. | kata female 12-13 years | Annalena | Steidle | Bayerischer Karate Bund | GER |
3. | kumite female 18-20 years +68kg | Annemiek | Borsje | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years -55kg | Anton | Meisner | Oberberg Karate Gummersbach | GER |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years +70kg | Artur | Hanser | Budokan Bochum | GER |
3. | kumite female 16-17 years OPEN | Ashley | Timmer | Netherlands | NED |
2. | kumite female 16-17 years -48kg | Barbora | Botunová | Slovakia | SVK |
2. | kata female 14-15 years | Basak | Yilmaz | Germany | GER |
2. | kumite male 18-20 years -60kg | Boris | Delhez | Choku Gym Zaandam | NED |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years -50kg | Brandon | Smith | Unity 99 Rotterdam | NED |
1. | kumite female 16-17 years -59kg | Britt | Hofman | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years +76kg | Bryan | van Waesberghe | Vlaamse Karate Federatie | BEL |
3. | kata female 16-17 years | Carolin | Abb | Bayerischer Karate Bund | GER |
2. | kata female 16-17 years | Claudia | Werner | Bayerischer Karate Bund | GER |
1. | kumite female 18-20 years -61kg | Coline | Pilloud | Switzerland | SUI |
3. | kumite male 18-20 years -75kg | Daniel | Schuffenhauer | KV Sachsen - Anhalt | GER |
1. | kumite male 18-20 years +84kg | Daniel | Besler | Asia Dietzenbach | GER |
3. | kumite male 18-20 years -84kg | David | Nebert | Bremer Karate Verband | GER |
2. | kumite male 12-13 years -40kg | Denis | Laschitzky | Germany | GER |
1. | kata female 12-13 years | Denise | Schwarzer | KV Sachsen - Anhalt | GER |
1. | kumite male 14-15 years -45kg | Dennis | Lenz | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years -35kg | Dennis | Moesman | Karate Mossel-Boot Zwolle | NED |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years -61kg | Dennis | Bolduan | Nippon Gotha | GER |
1. | kumite female 18-20 years -50kg | Desireé | Christiansen | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years -68kg | Dustin | Deißler | KV Limburg | GER |
3. | kumite female 16-17 years -53kg | Duygu | Bugur | Germany | GER |
2. | kumite female 18-20 years -61kg | Ebru | Koca | KSV Wirges e.V. | GER |
3. | kumite male 18-20 years -84kg | Elie | Jeannerat | Switzerland | SUI |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years -70kg | Eren | Balli | Karate Mossel-Boot Zwolle | NED |
1. | kumite female 16-17 years +59kg | Esther | van Schaik | Netherlands | NED |
2. | kumite female 16-17 years OPEN | Eva | Zwaneveld | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite female 12-13 years -40kg | Eva | Roßner | KC Münchberg | GER |
1. | kumite male 18-20 years -67kg | Falk | Kelbassa | Nippon Gotha | GER |
1. | kumite male 12-13 years -40kg | Felix | Behrendt | Germany | GER |
3. | kata male 14-15 years | Filip | Saidl | KARATE TYGR SHOTOKAN | CZE |
2. | kata male 16-17 years | Florian | Genau | Germany | GER |
3. | kata male 14-15 years | Florian | Podack | Germany | GER |
1. | kata female 18-20 years | Franziska | Kurz | KV Baden Württemberg | GER |
2. | kumite female 16-17 years -59kg | Franziska | Forte | KC Sei Bu Kan Dornbirn | AUT |
3. | kumite female 16-17 years -53kg | Gamze | Ince | Goju-Ryu Karate Verein Schifferstadt | GER |
2. | kumite male 14-15 years -52kg | Gregor | Renner | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years +55kg | Hakiem | Leeflang | Unity 99 Rotterdam | NED |
3. | kumite female 14-15 years -47kg | Hana | Pristašová | KK Ekonóm Trenčín | SVK |
2. | kumite female 12-13 years -40kg | Hanna | Jugo | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite female 16-17 years +59kg | Helen | Maeder | Switzerland | SUI |
2. | kumite female 18-20 years -50kg | Christina | Hoffmann | Germany | GER |
1. | kata male 14-15 years | Christoph | Janßen | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years -76kg | Christopher | Uhlig | KV Sachsen - Anhalt | GER |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years -45kg | Igor | Matveev | Hermannia 06 Kassel | GER |
2. | kumite male 16-17 years +76kg | Igor | Volkov | Martial Arts Club Dynamex | RUS |
2. | kumite male 12-13 years -55kg | Ilír | Kabashi | Slovakia | SVK |
2. | kumite female 14-15 years +54kg | Ina | Spröde | Germany | GER |
2. | kumite male 18-20 years +84kg | Inan | Turan | Hara Köln | GER |
3. | kumite female 14-15 years -47kg | Isra | Ou-Aissa | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years +76kg | Jacques | Köhlen | Karate Club Alken | NED |
1. | kata male 12-13 years | Ján | Borecký | Slovakia | SVK |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years OPEN | Jan-Erick | Nava | Bayerischer Karate Bund | GER |
3. | kata male 16-17 years | Jan-Niklas | Müller | Hessischer Fachverband Karate | GER |
3. | kumite female 16-17 years +59kg | Jana | Koribaničová | Slovakia | SVK |
1. | kumite male 18-20 years -84kg | Jaouad | Ikan | Choku Gym Zaandam | NED |
3. | kata female 18-20 years | Jasmine | Tips | Vlaamse Karate Federatie | BEL |
1. | kata female 14-15 years | Jasmine | Bleul | Germany | GER |
2. | kata male 14-15 years | Jeffrey | Klepka | Germany | GER |
2. | kumite female 14-15 years -47kg | Jennifer | Warling | Luxemburg | LUX |
3. | kumite female 12-13 years -50kg | Jessica | Köpke | Germany | GER |
2. | kumite male 16-17 years -55kg | Jhonatan | Caporusso | Switzerland | SUI |
3. | kumite male 18-20 years -67kg | Jonas | Martin | Switzerland | SUI |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years -70kg | Joris | Drachman | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite female 16-17 years -59kg | Júlia | Langošová | Slovakia | SVK |
3. | kumite female 16-17 years OPEN | Júlia | Langošová | Slovakia | SVK |
2. | kata male 12-13 years | Julien | Custinne | Champions Club | BEL |
1. | kumite male 16-17 years -61kg | Kalvis | Kalnins | Latvia | LAT |
3. | kata female 14-15 years | Karin | Ďurčanská | Slovakia | SVK |
2. | kumite male 18-20 years -67kg | Karl | Meister | KV Sachsen - Anhalt | GER |
1. | kumite female 16-17 years OPEN | Katarína | Kotúčová | Slovakia | SVK |
2. | kumite female 18-20 years -55kg | Katharina | Beitler | Germany | GER |
1. | kumite female 14-15 years -54kg | Katharina | Maichle | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite female 12-13 years -50kg | Kaylee | Zwakhalen | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years -45kg | Keatian | Doejaaren | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years -45kg | Kevin | Metzen | Karate Club Alken | NED |
2. | kumite male 12-13 years -50kg | Khalid | Boughalad | G.F.K. | BEL |
1. | kumite male 18-20 years -60kg | Kim-Nhat | Pham | Netherlands | NED |
1. | kumite male 16-17 years +76kg | Kirill | Grishchenko | Martial Arts Club Dynamex | RUS |
2. | kumite male 16-17 years OPEN | Kirill | Grishchenko | Martial Arts Club Dynamex | RUS |
2. | kata male 18-20 years | Kristian | Agsten | Germany | LUX |
1. | kumite female 12-13 years -45kg | Kristina | Parshukova | Martial Arts Club Dynamex | RUS |
3. | kumite female 14-15 years -54kg | Laura | Pradelli | G.F.K. | BEL |
1. | kumite female 18-20 years +68kg | Laura | Bustian | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite female 12-13 years -45kg | Lena | Elbert | KSV Wirges e.V. | GER |
1. | kumite female 14-15 years -47kg | Lenka | Földesiová | Slovakia | SVK |
1. | kumite female 16-17 years -48kg | Linda | Hagen | Germany | GER |
2. | kumite female 14-15 years -54kg | Linda | Lachmund | Germany | GER |
1. | kata female 16-17 years | Lisa | Martin | KV Sachsen - Anhalt | GER |
2. | kumite female 16-17 years +59kg | Lisa | Ludewig | Germany | GER |
3. | kata female 16-17 years | Lisa | Albert | Budokan Bochum | GER |
1. | kumite female 16-17 years -53kg | Lisa | Albert | Budokan Bochum | GER |
2. | kumite female 12-13 years -45kg | Lisa | van de Kamp | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kata female 12-13 years | Lisa | Storm | Rot-Weiß Moisling | GER |
2. | kumite female 18-20 years -68kg | Lisa | Massold | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite female 14-15 years +54kg | Lonneke | Meijer | Netherlands | NED |
2. | kumite female 16-17 years -53kg | Louise | Oldeman | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years -52kg | Luciano | Silvestrini | SC Banzai Berlin | GER |
1. | kumite male 12-13 years -45kg | Ludwig | Schwerdt | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years -50kg | Lukas | Otterstätter | Germany | GER |
1. | kumite male 12-13 years -55kg | Lukáš | Meňuš | Slovakia | SVK |
2. | kumite male 16-17 years -61kg | Lütfü | Bayraktar | KV Baden Württemberg | GER |
3. | kumite female 18-20 years -61kg | Lydia | Holler | KV Sachsen - Anhalt | GER |
3. | kumite female 18-20 years -61kg | Magdaléna | Scheryová | Slovakia | SVK |
1. | kumite male 14-15 years -63kg | Maik | Hinterthur | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite female 18-20 years +68kg | Mandy | Kormann | Bushido Waltershausen | GER |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years -45kg | Manuel | Ettmüller | 1. JJJKC Haßloch | GER |
1. | kumite male 14-15 years -57kg | Manuel | Krapfl | Germany | GER |
1. | kumite male 14-15 years -70kg | Marciano | Dekker | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite female 12-13 years -45kg | Marija Larisa | Agafonova | Latvia | LAT |
3. | kata male 18-20 years | Martin | Wachter | Hessischer Fachverband Karate | GER |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years -40kg | Martin | Pflaum | Bremer Karate Verband | GER |
1. | kumite male 12-13 years +55kg | Marvin | Rösch | KV Baden Württemberg | GER |
2. | kumite male 14-15 years -57kg | Marvin | Rockstroh | Germany | GER |
2. | kumite male 18-20 years -84kg | Marvin | Elbers | TuS St. Arnold | GER |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years +70kg | Matěj | Cvrk | Budó škola KK Písek | CZE |
1. | kumite male 16-17 years -68kg | Matúš | Cisár | Slovakia | SVK |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years +55kg | Matúš | Procházko | Slovakia | SVK |
1. | kumite male 16-17 years -76kg | Max | Kottmann | KV Baden Württemberg | GER |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years -61kg | Michal | Klíma | Slovakia | SVK |
2. | kumite female 12-13 years -50kg | Michelle | Kunst | Netherlands | NED |
1. | kumite male 14-15 years -52kg | Mustafa | Astitou | G.F.K. | BEL |
1. | kumite male 12-13 years -50kg | Nicolai | Petrick | Bremer Karate Verband | GER |
1. | kumite female 14-15 years +54kg | Nikita | Woitas | Germany | GER |
2. | kumite male 14-15 years +70kg | Niklas | Quint | Saarländischer KV | GER |
2. | kumite male 16-17 years -68kg | Niklas | Schindwein | KV Baden Württemberg | GER |
3. | kumite male 18-20 years -67kg | Orudj | Zeinalov | Budokan Bochum | GER |
2. | kumite male 14-15 years -70kg | Ozan | Arslan | Netherlands | NED |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years -57kg | Phil | Hein | Germany | GER |
3. | kata male 12-13 years | Philipp | Nathem | KSV Trier | GER |
1. | kata male 16-17 years | Pierre | Grifnée | G.F.K. | BEL |
3. | kumite male 18-20 years -60kg | Raphael | Piras | G.F.K. | BEL |
2. | kumite female 18-20 years +68kg | Rebecca | Niggl | KG Odenwald | GER |
3. | kata female 18-20 years | Renate | Wink | KG Odenwald | GER |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years -55kg | Rene | Schomer | KC Puderbach | GER |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years -63kg | René | Vroomen | Germany | GER |
3. | kata male 16-17 years | Rexhep | Goqi | Switzerland | SUI |
1. | kumite male 16-17 years -55kg | Ricardo | Giegler | Germany | GER |
2. | kumite male 18-20 years -75kg | Robert | Mackert | KG Odenwald | GER |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years -63kg | Robin | Weidmann | KG Odenwald | GER |
3. | kumite female 14-15 years -54kg | Rosa | Liebold | Banzai-Karate E.T. Hirschberg/Saale | GER |
1. | kumite female 18-20 years -68kg | Samantha | Kretschmar | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite female 18-20 years -50kg | Sandra | Liebig | KV Baden Württemberg | GER |
1. | kumite female 18-20 years -55kg | Sarah | Kudell | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite male 14-15 years -52kg | Sergej | Mezich | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite male 18-20 years -75kg | Simon | Kirchgeßner | KG Odenwald | GER |
3. | kumite female 16-17 years -59kg | Simone | Becker | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite female 18-20 years -50kg | Sina | Brauch | Goju-Ryu Karate Verein Schifferstadt | GER |
3. | kata female 12-13 years | Sophia | Graf | Germany | GER |
3. | kata female 14-15 years | Sophie | Wachter | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years -35kg | Stefan | Mörth | SKC Lauterach | AUT |
3. | kumite female 18-20 years -55kg | Stella | Holczer | Germany | GER |
2. | kata female 18-20 years | Stephanie | Otten | Belgium | BEL |
3. | kumite female 18-20 years -68kg | Stephanie | Spicher | Switzerland | SUI |
3. | kumite female 18-20 years -68kg | Stephanie | Kofeldt | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years -76kg | Steven | van der Hoek | Unity 99 Rotterdam | NED |
2. | kumite male 12-13 years +55kg | Tim | Swerts | Kamacho Karate Klub | BEL |
3. | kumite male 18-20 years -60kg | Tobias | Schulz | KV Baden Württemberg | GER |
2. | kumite male 12-13 years -45kg | Tohan | Öztürk | SC Banzai Berlin | GER |
3. | kumite female 12-13 years -40kg | Vanessa | Bitz | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite male 12-13 years -55kg | Viktor | Gerus | KC Puderbach | GER |
2. | kumite male 14-15 years -45kg | Viktor | Streich | Oberberg Karate Gummersbach | GER |
1. | kumite female 12-13 years -50kg | Viktorija | Rezaeva | Latvia | LAT |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years OPEN | Vince | Gertsen | van Hellemond Sport | NED |
1. | kumite male 18-20 years -75kg | Wladislaw | Gumarow | Germany | GER |
3. | kumite male 16-17 years -68kg | Xavier | Köhlen | Netherlands | NED |
1. | kumite male 12-13 years -35kg | Yaroslav | Berillo | Martial Arts Club Dynamex | RUS |
3. | kumite female 14-15 years +54kg | Yasmin | Ruh | Hara Köln | GER |
Related contests:
Tournament | Date |
Ruše Cup 2020 | 15.02.2020 |
Grand Prix Ústí n/L 2019 | 04.05.2019 |
Grand Prix Ostrava 2019 | 09.02.2019 |
Grand Prix Ostrava 2019 | 09.02.2019 |
03.11.2018-04.11.2018 | |
Grand Prix Hradec Králové 2018 | 28.04.2018-29.04.2018 |
Grand Prix Ústí n/L 2018 | 21.04.2018 |