Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz
Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz

Registered contests and their results:


Italian Grand Prix 2006 - EGP (Venice Cup) - 02.12.2006 - 03.12.2006

City Venice
Country Italy
Competitors 1181
Clubs on medal positions 58
Countries on medal positions 19
Classifications 24-16-8-4-2

Appraisal of tournament quality:
Vote: Terrible Not good Average Good Perfect Total: 36x

Order by:
Position Category First name Lastname Club/Team  
1. kumite team female France FRA FRA
1. kumite team male France FRA FRA
1. kumite team male 15-17 let Germany GER GER
2. kumite team male Germany GER GER
2. kumite team female 11-12 years EKKA Caribbean (ENG) ENG ENG
3. kumite team male 13-14 years EKKA Caribbean (ENG) ENG ENG
3. kumite team male Norway NOR NOR
3. kumite team female 15-17 years Finland FIN FIN
2. kumite team female 15-17 years Romania ROM ROM
3. kumite team male 15-17 let Romania ROM ROM
2. kumite team female Romania ROM ROM
3. kumite team male Romania ROM ROM
2. kumite team female 13-14 years ASI Karate Veneto (ITA) ITA ITA
1. kumite team female 15-17 years ASI Karate Veneto (ITA) ITA ITA
2. kumite team male 15-17 let ASI Karate Veneto (ITA) ITA ITA
3. kumite team female ASI Karate Veneto (ITA) ITA ITA
1. kumite team female 11-12 years Karate Project Borgoricco ITA ITA
2. kumite team male 11-12 years Karate Project Borgoricco ITA ITA
3. kumite team female 11-12 years Karate Tombolo ITA ITA
3. kumite team female 11-12 years Regonal Karate ENG ENG
3. kumite team female 13-14 years Regonal Karate ENG ENG
1. kumite team male 11-12 years Nippon Club Palazzolo ITA ITA
3. kumite team male 11-12 years Italo Bucaresti ROM ROM
3. kumite team male 11-12 years Italo Bucaresti ROM ROM
1. kumite team male 13-14 years Italo Bucaresti ROM ROM
2. kumite team male 13-14 years Italo Bucaresti ROM ROM
3. kumite team male 13-14 years Italo Bucaresti ROM ROM
1. kumite team female 13-14 years Hamburger Karate Verband GER GER
3. kumite team female 13-14 years Bulgaria BUL BUL
3. kumite team female 15-17 years Bushido Waltershausen GER GER
3. kumite team male 15-17 let Slovenia SLO SLO
3. kumite team female Slovenia SLO SLO
1. kata female Shotokan Sayra Aarts Netherlands NED NED
3. kumite male 11-12 years -50kg Maycol Adami Scaligera Bussolengo ITA ITA
2. kata female (goju,shito,wado) Lauren Adams Yamaguchi Goju-Kai ENG ENG
1. kata male cadets 15-17 years (shotokan) Kristian Agsten Germany GER GER
3. kata male cadets 15-17 years (goju,shito,wado) Jordan Aisbett Kaizen Central ENG ENG
3. kumite male -70kg Romain Alloux France FRA FRA
1. kumite male 13-14 years -55kg Sahied Azami Hamburger Karate Verband GER GER
3. kumite female 11-12 years -40kg Martina Bacchin Karate Project Noale ITA ITA
1. kumite male -70kg Benjamin Bäcker Germany GER GER
3. kumite male -65kg Julien Baptiste France FRA FRA
3. kumite male 11-12 years -50kg Razvan Barbu Italo Bucaresti ROM ROM
3. kumite male 13-14 years -45kg Alexandru Costin Baroiu Romania ROM ROM
1. kata female 13-14 years Federica Bellazzo Italy ITA ITA
3. kata male (goju,shito,wado) Matteo Benedetti Jitakyoei Gorgo ITA ITA
2. kumite female 15-17 years +57kg Giulia Bernardi ASI Karate Veneto ITA ITA
3. kumite female 15-17 years +57kg Hanina Berrouba Netherlands NED NED
1. kumite male +80kg Lars Berrum Norway NOR NOR
1. kumite male 15-17 years -65kg Noah Bitsch Germany GER GER
3. kata female (goju,shito,wado) Anouch Bletterman Netherlands NED NED
3. kata female cadets 15-17 years (shotokan) Adriana Boga Romania ROM ROM
3. kumite male 13-14 years -50kg Renato Brković KK Samobor Anindol CRO CRO
1. kumite male 13-14 years -80kg Massimiliano Brugnolaro ASI Karate Veneto ITA ITA
2. kata male (goju,shito,wado) Matteo Budelli Karate Umbria ITA ITA
3. kumite male 15-17 years -75kg Ismail Buric Germany GER GER
3. kata male cadets 15-17 years (goju,shito,wado) Michael Burke Kaizen Central ENG ENG
3. kata male 13-14 years Mattia Busato Italy ITA ITA
2. kumite male 13-14 years -50kg Mattia Busato Italy ITA ITA
3. kumite female 15-17 years -57kg Laura Bustian KV Brandenburg GER GER
3. kumite male 13-14 years -55kg Francesco Ceraolo Ninja Club Monsummano ITA ITA
1. kumite female 11-12 years -50kg Angelica Cervesato Italy ITA ITA
2. kumite female 11-12 years -40kg Chloe Cooper England ENG ENG
3. kata male 11-12 years Julien Custinne Champions Club BEL BEL
2. kata female 11-12 years Oceane da Costa Luxemburg LUX LUX
3. kata female 13-14 years Abby Davidson Northwest Karate England ENG ENG
3. kumite female 13-14 years -45kg Shirley De Bondt Netherlands NED NED
1. kumite female 15-17 years -57kg Lory De Cillia Luxemburg LUX LUX
3. kumite male 15-17 years -75kg Dylan de Weerd Netherlands NED NED
3. kumite male +80kg Mitchell de Weerd Netherlands NED NED
1. kumite female 13-14 years -45kg Cristina Denk KV Niedersachsen GER GER
3. kumite male 13-14 years -80kg Guillaume Dubois Karate Club Differdange Luxemburg LUX LUX
1. kumite female 15-17 years +57kg Ivana Dučová CMK Banská Bystrica SVK SVK
3. kumite male 13-14 years -65kg Adrian Dudkiewicz Hamburger Karate Verband GER GER
1. kumite male 13-14 years -50kg Garrick Eastwood Shindo Kai ENG ENG
3. kumite male 13-14 years -65kg Luigi Fardin ASI Karate Veneto ITA ITA
3. kumite male 11-12 years -60kg Manuel Fasch Austria AUT AUT
1. kumite male 15-17 years -75kg Denis Fechner Germany GER GER
3. kumite male 15-17 years -65kg Bob Feidt Luxemburg LUX LUX
1. kumite female 13-14 years -55kg Adriana Ganeva Bulgaria BUL BUL
2. kumite male 13-14 years -80kg Damiano Gatto ASI Karate Veneto ITA ITA
3. kumite male -80kg Adrien Gautier France FRA FRA
2. kata male cadets 15-17 years (shotokan) Florian Genau Germany GER GER
3. kumite female 13-14 years -45kg Francesca Gogot Italo Bucaresti ROM ROM
2. kata male cadets 15-17 years (goju,shito,wado) Pierre Grifnée Belgium BEL BEL
1. kumite male -65kg Christian Grüner Germany GER GER
3. kumite male 15-17 years -70kg Wladislaw Gumarow Germany GER GER
2. kumite female 15-17 years -51kg Linda Hagen Germany GER GER
1. kata male cadets 15-17 years (goju,shito,wado) Gareth Hains Great Britain ENG ENG
3. kumite male 13-14 years -55kg Richard Hajdóny CMK Banská Bystrica SVK SVK
3. kata female cadets 15-17 years (goju,shito,wado) Laura Harding Northwest Karate England ENG ENG
3. kumite female 15-17 years -51kg Laura Harding Northwest Karate England ENG ENG
1. kata female (goju,shito,wado) Cheryl Hart Yamaguchi Goju-Kai ENG ENG
2. kumite male 15-17 years -55kg Martin Heede Norway NOR NOR
1. kata male 11-12 years Dirk Hesse KV Niedersachsen GER GER
2. kata male 13-14 years Maik Hinterthur Germany GER GER
3. kata female Shotokan Jasmina Hodzic Slovenia SLO SLO
3. kumite male +80kg Enrico Höhne Germany GER GER
1. kumite male 15-17 years +75kg Jonathan Horne Germany GER GER
1. kumite female 15-17 years -51kg Desireé Christiansen Germany GER GER
3. kumite male -60kg Emil Iancu Romania ROM ROM
3. kumite male -70kg Traian Gheorghita Iancu Romania ROM ROM
3. kumite male -80kg Marian Daniel Iancu Romania ROM ROM
2. kumite male 15-17 years +75kg Umut Ince Germany GER GER
3. kata female 11-12 years Magdalena Ivanova Bulgaria BUL BUL
1. kumite female 11-12 years -40kg Heidi Jay EKKA Caribbean ENG ENG
1. kumite male 13-14 years -45kg Ryan Jay EKKA Caribbean ENG ENG
1. kumite male 15-17 years -55kg Kalvis Kalnins Latvia LAT LAT
3. kumite male 11-12 years -40kg Arturs Keiselis Samuraj Madona LAT LAT
1. kumite male 15-17 years -60kg Falk Kelbassa Germany GER GER
1. kata female cadets 15-17 years (goju,shito,wado) Ashleigh Kenny Northwest Karate England ENG ENG
1. kata male (goju,shito,wado) Turk Kiziltoprak KV Niedersachsen GER GER
3. kumite male 15-17 years -65kg Fabian Kohler KV Baden Württemberg GER GER
3. kumite male -60kg Kenny Koster Vlaamse Karate Federatie BEL BEL
2. kumite male 13-14 years -65kg Max Kottmann KV Baden Württemberg GER GER
2. kumite female -53kg Lucia Kováčiková CMK Banská Bystrica SVK SVK
2. kumite male 13-14 years -55kg Momchil Kratev Bulgaria BUL BUL
3. kumite female +60kg Petra Kubinská KK Ekonóm Trenčín SVK SVK
1. kumite male -60kg Fabian Kunze Germany GER GER
3. kata female 13-14 years Hannah Laidlaw Northwest Karate England ENG ENG
3. kumite female 15-17 years -57kg Ana Lenard Croatia CRO CRO
2. kumite female -60kg Céline Leon KC Wallonie BEL BEL
2. kumite female 11-12 years -60kg Beatrice Libralato Karate Project Borgoricco ITA ITA
2. kumite male 13-14 years -45kg Armins Lutkevics Milons LAT LAT
2. kumite male 15-17 years -65kg Arturs Lutkevics Milons LAT LAT
2. kata female cadets 15-17 years (goju,shito,wado) Lisa Martin KV Sachsen - Anhalt GER GER
2. kumite female 13-14 years -65kg Kathy Melsen Netherlands NED NED
1. kumite female +60kg Alexandrina Mirea Romania ROM ROM
3. kumite male 11-12 years -60kg Milan Mirkovic Karate Project Maerne ITA ITA
3. kumite male 11-12 years -45kg Mitko Mittev Bulgaria BUL BUL
3. kata male 13-14 years George Mole Yamaguchi Goju-Kai ENG ENG
3. kumite female 11-12 years -50kg Jessica Moody Great Britain ENG ENG
3. kumite female 11-12 years -60kg Caitlin Morton Sakai SCO SCO
2. kata female Shotokan Špela Muha Slovenia SLO SLO
3. kumite female -60kg Maddalena Musolino ASI Karate Veneto ITA ITA
3. kata male Shotokan Dorijan Naletina Croatia CRO CRO
1. kumite male -80kg Yohann Narrou France FRA FRA
3. kumite male 13-14 years -50kg Gianluca Niero ASI Karate Veneto ITA ITA
1. kumite female -60kg Claudia Nitu Romania ROM ROM
2. kata male Shotokan Serdar Oksuz KV Niedersachsen GER GER
3. kumite female 13-14 years -55kg Louise Oldeman Netherlands NED NED
1. kata female cadets 15-17 years (shotokan) Stephanie Otten Belgium BEL BEL
3. kumite female 13-14 years -65kg Deniza Pantaleeva Bulgaria BUL BUL
2. kumite male 11-12 years -50kg Mattia Pavoni Nippon Club Palazzolo ITA ITA
3. kumite female -53kg Ramona Peagu Romania ROM ROM
2. kumite male 11-12 years -45kg Gianluca Pedron Karate Project Borgoricco ITA ITA
2. kumite male 15-17 years -60kg Kim-Nhat Pham Netherlands NED NED
3. kumite male 15-17 years -55kg Raphael Piras Belgium BEL BEL
3. kumite female -60kg Corina Popescu Romania ROM ROM
1. kumite male 15-17 years -70kg Michael Porada Germany GER GER
2. kumite female 13-14 years -55kg Iole Prando Nippon Club Palazzolo ITA ITA
2. kumite female 13-14 years -45kg Irene Prando Nippon Club Palazzolo ITA ITA
2. kata male 11-12 years Iustin Pricop Phil Center ROM ROM
1. kumite male 11-12 years -40kg Iustin Pricop Phil Center ROM ROM
3. kumite female 11-12 years -50kg Hana Pristašová KK Ekonóm Trenčín SVK SVK
3. kata male 11-12 years Diego Puggioni Karate Advanced Pordenone ITA ITA
2. kumite male 15-17 years -75kg Jak Vlad Radel Romania ROM ROM
2. kumite male -60kg Stephan Rewohl Germany GER GER
3. kumite male -65kg Azdin Rghioui France FRA FRA
3. kata male (goju,shito,wado) Rossano Rubicondi Karate Umbria ITA ITA
2. kumite male -65kg Ruslan Sadikov Latvia LAT LAT
3. kumite male 15-17 years +75kg Mihaita Safta Romania ROM ROM
1. kumite female -53kg Stefania Sandu Romania ROM ROM
3. kumite male 11-12 years -40kg Seryozha Sargsyan Shorin-Ryu ARM ARM
1. kata female 11-12 years Aimee Sell England ENG ENG
1. kata male 13-14 years Alex Sell Shuhari Kai ENG ENG
1. kumite male 13-14 years -65kg Alex Sell Shuhari Kai ENG ENG
2. kumite female 15-17 years -57kg Viktória Semaníková CMK Banská Bystrica SVK SVK
1. kumite male 11-12 years -60kg Tudor Scheul Italo Bucaresti ROM ROM
3. kata male cadets 15-17 years (shotokan) Rudolf Schleiermamacher KV Niedersachsen GER GER
2. kumite male -70kg Jakob Schultz Germany GER GER
2. kata female 13-14 years Christina Schuster K.T.V. Karate Kapfenberg AUT AUT
1. kumite female 13-14 years -65kg Christina Schuster K.T.V. Karate Kapfenberg AUT AUT
3. kumite male -75kg Espen Skreting Norway NOR NOR
1. kumite male -75kg René Smaal Netherlands NED NED
2. kumite female 11-12 years -50kg Mariangela Sollo Funakoshi Club La Spezia ITA ITA
3. kata female Shotokan Giada Sostenio ASI Karate Veneto ITA ITA
3. kata female cadets 15-17 years (goju,shito,wado) Nathalie Sousa Netherlands NED NED
1. kumite male 11-12 years -45kg Lyubomir Spasov Bulgaria BUL BUL
1. kumite male 11-12 years -50kg Martin Sperotto Scaligera Bussolengo ITA ITA
3. kata female cadets 15-17 years (shotokan) Sasa Stafancis Slovenia SLO SLO
2. kumite male 11-12 years -60kg Razvan Stere Italo Bucaresti ROM ROM
3. kata male cadets 15-17 years (shotokan) Tomislav Stolar KK Samobor Anindol CRO CRO
2. kumite male 15-17 years -70kg Nikola Šoič Croatia CRO CRO
3. kumite male 11-12 years -45kg Stefano Talpo Oyama Polesano ITA ITA
3. kata female (goju,shito,wado) Eva Thajer Austria AUT AUT
3. kumite female 11-12 years -60kg Ingrid Toffin Italo Bucaresti ROM ROM
3. kumite male -75kg Nicoloz Tsurtsumia KDNW Siegburg GER GER
2. kumite male +80kg Bram van den Broeck Vlaamse Karate Federatie BEL BEL
3. kumite female 13-14 years -55kg Sharon Van Gent Netherlands NED NED
3. kumite male 15-17 years -70kg Alberto Vardiero ASI Karate Veneto ITA ITA
3. kumite male 15-17 years +75kg Sorin Vessa Romania ROM ROM
2. kumite female +60kg Lene Vrijsen Belgium BEL BEL
3. kata male Shotokan Dennis Warner KV Niedersachsen GER GER
3. kumite female 13-14 years -65kg Vicky Warren EKKA Caribbean ENG ENG
3. kumite female 15-17 years -51kg Caroline Werner Banzai-Karate E.T. Hirschberg/Saale GER GER
3. kumite female -53kg Katja Weser Sei Wa Kai Team GER GER
3. kumite male 15-17 years -60kg Scott Wilson Sakai SCO SCO
1. kata male Shotokan Benjamin Wolf KD Lich GER GER
3. kumite female 15-17 years +57kg Laura Wood Finland FIN FIN
3. kumite female +60kg Sabrina Wrann Austria AUT AUT
3. kata female 11-12 years Nadia Youmour Champions Club BEL BEL
3. kumite female 11-12 years -40kg Nadia Youmour Champions Club BEL BEL
3. kumite male 15-17 years -60kg Gilles Youmour Champions Club BEL BEL
3. kumite male 15-17 years -55kg Catalin Zaharia Romania ROM ROM
2. kumite male 11-12 years -40kg Matteo Zecchin ASI Karate Veneto ITA ITA
2. kata female cadets 15-17 years (shotokan) Luisa Ziemer KV Sachsen - Anhalt GER GER
1. kumite female 11-12 years -60kg Chiara Zuanon Italy ITA ITA
2. kumite male -80kg Mehmet Zumberi Hamburger Karate Verband GER GER
2. kumite male -75kg Alexejes Zuromskis Milons LAT LAT
3. kumite male 13-14 years -45kg Lesley Zut Netherlands NED NED

Related contests:

Tournament Date
Italian Grand Prix 2007 (Venice Cup) 30.11.2007-02.12.2007
Belgium Grand Prix 2007 04.11.2007
Czech Grand Prix 2007 29.09.2007-30.09.2007
Austrian Grand Prix 2007 21.04.2007-22.04.2007
Irish Grand Prix 2007 31.03.2007-01.04.2007
British Grand Prix 2007 20.01.2007-21.01.2007
Belgium Grand Prix 2006 05.11.2006
Display:    Championships   WG   Golden league   EGP   All except Czech   Everything
