Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz
Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz

Registered contests and their results:


European Championships 1990

City Vienna
Country Austria
Organizer EKF
Competitors 430
Clubs on medal positions 17
Countries on medal positions 17
Classifications 300-200-100-50-25

Appraisal of tournament quality:
Vote: Terrible Not good Average Good Perfect Total: 16x

Order by:
Position Category First name Lastname Club/Team  
1. kata team male Italy ITA ITA
1. kata team female Spain ESP ESP
1. kumite team male England ENG ENG
1. kumite team female Great Britain GRB GRB
1. kumite male -80kg José Manuel Egea Spain ESP ESP
1. kumite male -75kg Toni Dietl Germany GER GER
1. kumite female +60kg Cathérine Belhriti France FRA FRA
1. kata men Dario Marchini Italy ITA ITA
1. kumite male +80kg Marc Pyrée France FRA FRA
1. kumite male -65kg Francesco Muffato Italy ITA ITA
1. kumite male IPPON Thierry Masci France FRA FRA
1. kumite male -70kg Bruno Pellicer France FRA FRA
1. kumite male SANBON M. Sailsman Great Britain ENG ENG
1. kumite female -60kg R. Hahn Germany GER GER
1. kata women M. San Narciso Spain ESP ESP
1. kumite male -60kg Keil Sweden SWE SWE
1. kumite female -53kg Anna Di Cesare Italy ITA ITA
2. kata team female Italy ITA ITA
2. kumite team female Italy ITA ITA
2. kumite team male Spain ESP ESP
2. kata team male Spain ESP ESP
2. kumite male -60kg Daniele Simmi Italy ITA ITA
2. kumite male -80kg M. Gachulinec Czechoslovakia CZS CZS
2. kumite male -70kg M. Alvarado Spain ESP ESP
2. kumite male IPPON Giovanni Tramontini France FRA FRA
2. kumite male -65kg Tim Stephens Great Britain ENG ENG
2. kumite female +60kg Marie-Ange Legros France FRA FRA
2. kumite male -75kg Djim Doula Switzerland SUI SUI
2. kumite male +80kg J. Sorken Norway NOR NOR
2. kumite male SANBON Arnsen Norway NOR NOR
2. kata men Morris Scotland SCO SCO
2. kata women Restelli Italy ITA ITA
2. kumite female -53kg V. Penman Scotland SCO SCO
3. kumite team male Italy ITA ITA
3. kumite team male France FRA FRA
3. kata team male France FRA FRA
3. kata team female France FRA FRA
3. kumite team female France FRA FRA
3. kumite male -60kg David Luque Camacho Spain ESP ESP
3. kumite male -80kg Christophe Pinna France FRA FRA
3. kumite male -70kg Haldun Alagas Turkey TUR TUR
3. kumite female -53kg Ivonne Senff Netherlands NED NED
3. kumite male SANBON George Petermann Austria AUT AUT
3. kumite male -65kg Jesús Juan Rubio Spain ESP ESP
3. kumite male +80kg Juan Antonio Hernández Spain ESP ESP
3. kumite male -60kg Stein Rønning Norway NOR NOR
3. kumite male -65kg Reginaldo Doran Netherlands NED NED
3. kumite male -80kg Mervyne Etienne Great Britain ENG ENG
3. kata men Pasquale Acri Italy ITA ITA
3. kumite male IPPON Ralf Wintergerst Germany GER GER
3. kumite male -70kg Arnsen Norway NOR NOR
3. kumite male -75kg Kust Netherlands NED NED
3. kumite male -75kg Muratagic Yugoslavia YUG YUG
3. kumite male +80kg Lemmem Germany GER GER
3. kumite male SANBON Nieminen Finland FIN FIN
3. kumite male IPPON Tamás Molnár Hungary HUN HUN
3. kata women Rozalen Spain ESP ESP
3. kumite team female Scotland SCO SCO
3. kumite female +60kg Silvia Wiegaertner Germany GER GER
3. kumite female +60kg Annelies Bremmers Netherlands NED NED
5. kumite team female Austria AUT AUT
5. kumite team female Netherlands NED NED

Related contests:

Tournament Date
European Championship 2015 19.03.2015-22.03.2015
European Championship 2014 01.05.2014-04.05.2014
European Championship 2013 09.05.2013-12.05.2013
European Championship 2012 10.05.2012-13.05.2012
European Championship 2011 06.05.2011-08.05.2011
European Championship 2010 07.05.2010-09.05.2010
European Championship 2009 08.05.2009-10.05.2009
Display:    Championships   WG   Golden league   EGP   All except Czech   Everything
