Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz
Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz

Chart of clubs according to their categories:

Position Club Country Gold Silver Bronze 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sum
1. Czech republic CZE 15 16 21 1176
2. Denmark DEN 13 13 29 1128
3. Great Britain GRB 12 12 20 960
4. Germany GER 14 6 12 792
5. Azerbaijan AZE 15 7 4 756
5. Egypt EGY 13 8 8 756
7. Ukraine UKR 8 8 14 648
8. Russia RUS 5 5 8 396
9. Latvia LAT 4 1 6 240
10. Netherlands NED 2 3 4 192
11. Kuwait KUW 2 2 4 168
11. Slovakia SVK 1 3 5 168
11. Turkey TUR 3 1 3 168
14. Sweden SWE 1 2 4 132
15. Slovenia SLO 1 2 3 120
15. Solrod Karate Klub DEN 2 2 120
17. Sei Wa Kai Team GER 2 72
18. SK Tommi Praha CZE 1 1 60
19. Karate Club Dragons Rosice z.s. CZE 1 36
20. Budó škola KK Písek CZE 1 24
20. Cobra Ryu Strakonice z.s. CZE 1 24
20. Finland FIN 1 24
23. Estonia EST 1 12
23. KC Žatec CZE 1 12
23. Kofukan DEN 1 12

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