Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz
Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz

Chart of competitors according to their categories:

Order by   First nameLast name Club Country Gold Silver Bronze 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Points
1. Dorota Balciarova NIDOSHINKAN Dojo, z.s. CZE 1 2 600
1. Terryana D Onofrio Italy ITA 1 2 600
1. Aolexandra Feracci France FRA 1 2 600
1. Emmanuelle Fumonde France FRA 1 600
1. Karen Furukawa Japan JPN 1 600
1. Sonia Garcia Spain ESP 1 2 600
1. Sayano Konya Japan JPN 1 600
1. Margarita Morata Spain ESP 2 600
1. Nao Morooka Japan JPN 1 600
1. A. Murata Japan JPN 1 600
1. R. Muro Mexico MEX 1 600
1. Hikaru Ono Japan JPN 1 600
1. Anastasiia Rumiantceva Russia RUS 1 2 600
1. Kiyou Shimizu Japan JPN 1 600
15. Franziska Kurz KV Baden Württemberg GER 1 1 500
15. Giada Poci Italy ITA 1 1 500
15. Y. Torres Lopez Spain ESP 1 1 500
18. Mathilde Barbotin France FRA 1 400
18. Sara Battaglia Italy ITA 1 400
18. Ha Mi Do Vietnam VIE 1 400
18. Patricia Esparteiro Portugal POR 2 400
18. Erika Hrušecká KK TEKDAN Bratislava SVK 1 400
18. Ruth Jimenez Fernandez Spain ESP 1 400
18. Sakura Kakumai USA USA 1 400
18. Eimi Kurita USA USA 1 400
26. Kubra Akarsu Turkey TUR 2 300
26. Zuzana Augustinová Czech republic CZE 1 300
26. Viviana Bottaro Italy ITA 1 300
26. Christine Heinrich Bushido Schwenningen GER 1 1 300
26. Gergana Vitanova Bulgaria BUL 2 300
31. Veronika Mišková Czech republic CZE 1 2 248
32. Sarah Assem Aly Sayed Aly Egypt EGY 1 200
32. Ingrid Aranda Peru PER 1 200
32. Dilara Bozan Turkey TUR 1 200
32. Michaela Di Desiderio Italy ITA 1 200
32. L. Ditoo France FRA 1 200
32. S. Fiuza France FRA 1 200
32. Maryia Fursava Belarus BLR 1 200
32. Bojana Mladežić Serbia SRB 1 200
32. Paula Rodriguez Nieto Spain ESP 1 200
32. M. Ruiz Granados Spain ESP 1 200
32. Aimee Sell England ENG 1 200
32. Nathalie Sousa Netherlands NED 1 200
32. Joan-Marie Stadler Austria AUT 1 200
32. K. Voltat France FRA 1 200
46. Illaria Melmer Luxemburg LUX 1 1 1 164
47. Mia Karlsson Sweden SWE 1 1 150
47. Katarina Piperin Serbia SRB 1 1 150
49. Samantha Cannon England ENG 2 1 148
50. Ashleigh Kenny Sale Dojo) ENG 1 1 1 140

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Annotation :
  • Charts rating
  • When clicking on a competitor you will see his complete results
  • When clicking on the number of points you will see only results from current category (kumite,kata)
  • Last contest: European Championship 2015
  • up .... Competitor has gone up in charts poisition since the last tournament
  • down .... Competitor has gone down since the last tournament
  • no change .... Competitor is on the same position since the last tournament